Turning Point Stabilization Programme


Turning Point is a 9 – 12 month, stabilisation programme for those service users experiencing poly-substance use in the Finglas & Cabra areas.

Turning Point focuses on providing a therapeutic environment, addiction awareness skills and substance misuse understanding.  Participants are supported in developing their motivation and resilience to make lifestyle changes in relation to their individual recovery pathway.  This is achieved by: 

  • Psycho-social supports 
  • Drug and alcohol screening 
  • Mental Health assessment and Support
  • One to One key working and care planning
  • Group support sessions and workshops
  • Signposting and treatment referrals 

Turning Point programme has a strong emphasis on  group work.

⊲ 18+
⊲ Male or Female
⊲ From Finglas & Cabra Communities  (priority given but not exclusive)
⊲ Looking to become stable (with the willingness to reduce your use)
⊲ Motivated to undertake individualised addiction recovery pathway
⊲ Will actively participate and engage in the programme as agreed with your key worker i.e. assessment and care planning 
⊲ Will actively participate and engage in scheduled one to
one sessions
⊲ Will actively participate and engage in group work 

Download Turning Point Brochure here