Connect to the Workplace is unique to Sankalpa and is a supported DEASP CE programme. Participants are equipped with work readiness skills and placement experience.
Connect to Workplace acknowledges the barriers facing most people with a background of substance misuse or recidivist behaviour, and a lack of equal opportunity for employment. Sankalpa has long standing, trusting relationships with partner agencies and businesses in the local area.
⊲ 18 +
⊲ Male or Female
⊲ Drug free* for a minimum of three months. Written verification from a medical practitioner may be required
⊲ From Finglas & Cabra priority given but not exclusive
⊲ Eligible for CE programme. Written verification from DSP required
⊲ Wanting to prepare for and/or return to the workplace or education
⊲ Committed to maintaining your individual recovery
⊲ Willing to engage with CE supervisors in both one-to-one and group settings
⊲ Active participation and engagement in ILP (Individual Learning Plan)